space of production in dance
pérfida iguana

Renan Marcondes
Creation and performance
Raul Rachou
Renan Marcondes
Performance (vídeo)
Selma Maria
Selma Marcondes
Tetembua Dandara
Neuza Poli
Light Deisgn
Lui Seixas
Scenic design
Guilherme Schultz
Original Track
Sergio Abdalla
Tetembua Dandara
Zulmira Elizabeth is a play that begins with Renan Marcondes' desire to talk about the premature and unexpected death of Elizabeth, his mother. It is created and danced by two dance artists from different generations: Renan Marcondes, born in 1991 and Raul Rachou, born in 1951. Initially a guest mentor to guide the creation of the piece, Raul becomes - throughout the rehearsals - an accomplice and a friend, sharing experiences, stories and ending up on the scene to dance with Renan. Thus, the 40 years that separate them are approaching throughout the process of creating the piece, which takes a serene look at aging and our inevitable death. Without the presence of his mother, all there’s left to do is to dance with those who are still around and remember, side by side, gestures that can no longer be seen. To this end, both interpreters mix Elizabeth Marcondes' hand gestures with those of actress Fernanda Montenegro when playing Zulmira in the film A Falecida, released in the same year that Elizabeth was born.
Premio de criação em residência para jovens coreógrafos no MIS SP (2018)
Zulmira Elizabeth
2018 | 50min
pré-premiere at MIS SP
premiere at sesc consolação
Performance creation from the early death of Renan's mother. In it, he and Raul Rachou (a dancer with 40 years of trajectory) invite four women to copy the gestures of Fernanda Montenegro in the film A Falecida, released in the same year that Renan's mother was born. Imagining that the film will always be her age and will remain forever alive, they perform the gestures on the scene along with the original video and with the execution by the women, making tradition and memory operate performatively.

photo: Cacá Bernardes