space of production in dance
pérfida iguana

Pérfida Iguana is a space of creation and research in dance created and managed by dancer and choreographer Carolina Callegaro, visual artist and performer Renan Marcondes and actress and producer Tetembua Dandara. Its main objective is to research intersections between contemporary dance and visual arts, which could also be defined as the many imaginable and tense relations between body and image from the intersection between dance - technical and compositional tools of improvisation and choreography -, the performative procedures and the expositive structures and autonomous installations.
Since we started the work in 2014, we have chosen to name Pérfida Iguana not as a group or a company, but as a space of creation and production in contemporary dance. This is due to the interest in a way of creation and production that remains horizontal in all its stages, an interest that led us to choose to work without a central figure of direction and, consequently, to share the joint routing of the directions of each work with the production and collaborating artists - always invited to add their eyes to each creative process. Thus, we have established solid and constant ties with several artists whose personal research is increasingly merging with our research interests. Likewise, our research also seems to affect them, since Pérfida Iguana has also started to collaborate in the personal projects of these artists in recent years.
Currently, we are engaged in the research entitled Reconhecer e Perseguir funded by ProAc – Programa de Ação Cultural do Governo do Estado de São Paulo – produção e temporada de espetáculos inéditos de dança (2019). The results are released on this website.

Pérfida Iguana is a space of creation and research in dance created and managed by dancer and choreographer Carolina Callegaro, visual artist and performer Renan Marcondes and actress and producer Tetembua Dandara. Its main objective is to research intersections between contemporary dance and visual arts, which could also be defined as the many imaginable and tense relations between body and image from the intersection between dance - technical and compositional tools of improvisation and choreography -, the performative procedures and the expositive structures and autonomous installations.
Since we started the work in 2014, we have chosen to name Pérfida Iguana not as a group or a company, but as a space of creation and production in contemporary dance. This is due to the interest in a way of creation and production that remains horizontal in all its stages, an interest that led us to choose to work without a central figure of direction and, consequently, to share the joint routing of the directions of each work with the production and collaborating artists - always invited to add their eyes to each creative process. Thus, we have established solid and constant ties with several artists whose personal research is increasingly merging with our research interests. Likewise, our research also seems to affect them, since Pérfida Iguana has also started to collaborate in the personal projects of these artists in recent years.
Currently, we are engaged in the research entitled Reconhecer e Perseguir funded by ProAc – Programa de Ação Cultural do Governo do Estado de São Paulo – produção e temporada de espetáculos inéditos de dança (2019). The results are released on this website.

Pérfida Iguana is a space of creation and research in dance created and managed by dancer and choreographer Carolina Callegaro, visual artist and performer Renan Marcondes and actress and producer Tetembua Dandara. Its main objective is to research intersections between contemporary dance and visual arts, which could also be defined as the many imaginable and tense relations between body and image from the intersection between dance - technical and compositional tools of improvisation and choreography -, the performative procedures and the expositive structures and autonomous installations.
Since we started the work in 2014, we have chosen to name Pérfida Iguana not as a group or a company, but as a space of creation and production in contemporary dance. This is due to the interest in a way of creation and production that remains horizontal in all its stages, an interest that led us to choose to work without a central figure of direction and, consequently, to share the joint routing of the directions of each work with the production and collaborating artists - always invited to add their eyes to each creative process. Thus, we have established solid and constant ties with several artists whose personal research is increasingly merging with our research interests. Likewise, our research also seems to affect them, since Pérfida Iguana has also started to collaborate in the personal projects of these artists in recent years.
Currently, we are engaged in the research entitled Reconhecer e Perseguir funded by ProAc – Programa de Ação Cultural do Governo do Estado de São Paulo – produção e temporada de espetáculos inéditos de dança (2019). The results are released on this website.